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ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACT OF 1988 (PUB. L. 100-690)

Importation of Controlled Substances by Aircraft and Other Vessels. Pub.L. 100–690, Title VI, § 6453, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4371, provided:

“Sec. 6453. Penalties for Importation by Aircraft and Other Vessels.

(a) In General.—Pursuant to its authority under section 994(p) of title 28, United States Code, and section 21 of the Sentencing Act of 1987 [28 U.S.C. 994 note], the United States Sentencing Commission shall promulgate guidelines, or shall amend existing guidelines, to provide that a defendant convicted of violating section 1010(a) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. 960(a)) under circumstances in which—

(1) an aircraft other than a regularly scheduled commercial air carrier was used to import the controlled substance; or

(2) the defendant acted as a pilot, copilot, captain, navigator, flight officer, or any other operation officer aboard any craft of vessel carrying a controlled substance,

shall be assigned an offense level under chapter 2 of the sentencing guidelines that is—

(A) two levels greater than the level that would have been assigned had the offense not been committed under circumstances set forth in (A) or (B) above; and

(B) in no event less than level 26.

(b) Effect of Amendment.—If the sentencing guidelines are amended after the effective date of this section [probably means date of enactment of this section, Nov. 18, 1988], the Sentencing Commission shall implement the instruction set forth in subsection (a) so as to achieve a comparable result.”

Controlled Substance Offenses Involving Children. Pub.L. 100–690, Title VI, § 6454, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4372, provided:

“Sec. 6454. Enhanced Penalties for Offenses Involving Children.

(a) In General.—Pursuant to its authority under section 994(p) of title 28, United States Code, and section 21 of the Sentencing Act of 1987 [28 U.S.C. 994 note], the United States Sentencing Commission shall promulgate guidelines, or shall amend existing guidelines, to provide that a defendant convicted of violating sections 405, 405A, or 405B of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 845, 845a or 845b) [redesignated as sections 418, 419, and 420, respectively (21 U.S.C. §§ 859, 860, and 861) by section 1002 of Pub.L. 101–647] involving a person under 18 years of age shall be assigned an offense level under chapter 2 of the sentencing guidelines that is—

(1) two levels greater than the level that would have been assigned for the underlying controlled substance offense; and

(2) in no event less than level 26.

(b) Effects of Amendment.—If the sentencing guidelines are amended after the effective date of this section [probably means date of enactment of this section, Nov. 18, 1988], the Sentencing Commission shall implement the instruction set forth in subsection (a) so as to achieve a comparable result.

(c) Multiple Enhancements.—The guidelines referred to in subsection (a), as promulgated or amended under such subsection, shall provide that an offense that could be subject to multiple enhancements pursuant to such subsection is subject to not more than one such enhancement.”

Contraband in Prison. Pub.L. 100–690, Title VI, § 6468(c), (d), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4376, provided:

“(c) Pursuant to its authority under section 994(p) of title 28, United States Code, and section 21 of the Sentencing Act of 1987 [28 U.S.C. 994 note], the United States Sentencing Commission shall promulgate guidelines, or shall amend existing guidelines, to provide that a defendant convicted of violating section 1791(a)(1) of title 18, United States Code, and punishable under section 1791(b)(1) of that title as so redesignated, shall be assigned an offense level under chapter 2 of the sentencing guidelines that is—

(1) two levels greater than the level that would have been assigned had the offense not been committed in prison; and

(2) in no event less than level 26.

(d) If the sentencing guidelines are amended after the effective date of this section [probably means the date of enactment of this section, Nov. 18, 1988], the Sentencing Commission shall implement the instruction set forth in subsection (c) so as to achieve a comparable result.”

Common Carrier Operation Under Influence of Alcohol or Drugs. Pub.L. 100–690, Title VI, § 6482(c), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4382, provided:

“(c) Sentencing Guidelines.—

(1) Pursuant to its authority under section 994(p) of title 28, United States Code, and section 21 of the Sentencing Act of 1987 [28 U.S.C. 994 note], the United States Sentencing Commission shall promulgate guidelines, or shall amend existing guidelines, to provide that—

(A) a defendant convicted of violating section 342 of title 18, United States Code, under circumstances in which death results, shall be assigned an offense level under chapter 2 of the sentencing guidelines that is not less than level 26; and

(B) a defendant convicted of violating section 342 of title 18, United States Code, under circumstances in which serious bodily injury results, shall be assigned an offense level under chapter 2 of the sentencing guidelines that is not less than level 21.

(2) If the sentencing guidelines are amended after the effective date of this section [probably means date of enactment of this section, Nov. 18, 1988], the Sentencing Commission shall implement the instruction set forth in paragraph (1) so as to achieve a comparable result.”

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