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Chapter Two, Part D is amended by deleting §§2D1.2 and 2D1.3 in their entirety as follows:

"§2D1.2. Involving Juveniles in the Trafficking of Controlled Substances

(a) Base Offense Level:

(1) Level from §2D1.1, corresponding to triple the drug amount involved, but in no event less than level 13, for involving an individual fourteen years of age or less; or

(2) Level from §2D1.1, corresponding to double the drug amount involved, for involving an individual at least fifteen years of age and less than eighteen years of age.


Statutory Provision: 21 U.S.C. § 845b.

Application Notes:

1. If multiple drugs or offenses occur and all or some of them involve juveniles, double or triple the drug amounts for those offenses involving juveniles before totalling the amounts. For example, if there are three drug offenses of conviction and only one involves juveniles in trafficking, add the amount from the first and second offense, double the amount for the offense involving juveniles, and total. Use that total to determine the base offense level.

2. The reference to the level from §2D1.1 includes the base offense level plus the specific offense characteristic dealing with a weapon. Under §2D1.1(b)(1) there is a 2-level increase for possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon during commission of the offense.

Background: The statute addressed by this section punishes any person eighteen years of age or older who knowingly employs or uses any person younger than eighteen to violate or to conceal any violation of any provision of Title 21. Section 845b provides a minimum mandatory period of imprisonment of one year. An increased penalty for the employment or use of persons fourteen years of age or younger reflects the enhanced sentence authorized by 21 U.S.C. § 845b(d).

§2D1.3. Distribu­ting Controlled Substances to Individuals Younger than Twenty-One Years, To Pregnant Women, or Within 1000 Feet of a School or College

(a) Base Offense Level:

(1) Level from §2D1.1, corresponding to double the drug amount involved, but in no event less than level 13, for distributing a controlled substance to a pregnant woman;

(2) (A) Level from §2D1.1, corresponding to double the drug amount involved, but in no event less than level 13, for distributing a controlled substance other than five grams or less of marihuana to an individual under the age of twenty-one years; or

(B) Level from §2D1.1, corresponding to double the drug amount involved, but in no event less than level 13, for distributing or manufacturing a controlled substance other than five grams or less of marihuana within 1000 feet of a schoolyard.


Statutory Provisions: 21 U.S.C. §§ 845, 845a.

Application Notes:

1. The provisions addressed by this section contain a mandatory minimum period of imprisonment of one year. The base offense level is determined as in §2D1.2. If both subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) apply to a single distribution (e.g., the distribution of 10 grams of a controlled substance to a pregnant woman under twenty-one years of age), the enhancements are applied cumulatively, i.e., by using four times rather than two times the amount distributed. However, only one of the enhancements in §2D1.3(a)(2) shall apply in a given case.

2. If multiple drugs or offenses occur, determine the offense level as described in the Commentary to §2D1.2.

3. The reference to the level from §2D1.1 includes the base offense level plus the specific offense characteristic dealing with a weapon. Under §2D1.1(b)(1) there is a 2-level increase for possession of a firearm, or other dangerous weapon during the commission of the offense.

Background: The guideline sentences for distribution of controlled substances to individuals under twenty-one years of age or within 1000 feet of a school or college treat the distribution of less than five grams of marihuana less harshly than other controlled substances. This distinction is based on the statutory provisions that specifically exempt convictions for the distribution of less than five grams of marihuana from the mandatory minimum one-year imprisonment requirement.".

A replacement guideline with accompanying commentary is inserted as §2D1.2 (Drug Offenses Occurring Near Protected Locations or Involving Underage or Pregnant Individuals).

Reason for Amendment: The purposes of this amendment are to implement the directive in Section 6454 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, and to expand the coverage of the guideline to include the provision of Sections 6458 and 6459 of that Act. The amendment also covers the provisions of 21 U.S.C. § 845, 845a, and 845b not included in the statutory direction to the Commission.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1989.