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Section 2Q2.1 is amended in the title by inserting at the end "; Smuggling and Otherwise Unlawfully Dealing in Fish, Wildlife, and Plants".

The Commentary to §2Q2.1 captioned "Statutory Provisions" is amended by inserting immediately before the period at the end ", 3373(d); 18 U.S.C. § 545".

The Commentary to §2Q2.1 captioned "Background" is amended by deleting "and the Fur Seal Act. These statutes provide special protection to particular species of fish, wildlife and plants." and inserting in lieu thereof "the Fur Seal Act, the Lacey Act, and to violations of 18 U.S.C. § 545 where the smuggling activity involved fish, wildlife, or plants.".

Chapter Two, Part Q, Subpart 2 is amended by deleting §2Q2.2 in its entirety as follows:

"§2Q2.2. Lacey Act; Smuggling and Otherwise Unlawfully Dealing in Fish, Wildlife, and Plants

(a) Base Offense Level:

(1) 6, if the defendant knowingly imported or exported fish, wildlife, or plants, or knowingly engaged in conduct involving the sale or purchase of fish, wildlife, or plants with a market value greater than $350; or

(2) 4.

(b) Specific Offense Characteristics

(1) If the offense involved a commercial purpose, increase by 2 levels.

(2) If the offense involved fish, wildlife, or plants that were not quarantined as required by law, increase by 2 levels.

(3) Apply the greater:

(A) If the market value of the fish, wildlife, or plants exceeded $2,000, increase the offense level by the corresponding number of levels from the table in §2F1.1 (Fraud and Deceit); or

(B) If the offense involved a quantity of fish, wildlife, or plants that was substantial in relation either to the overall population of the species or to a discrete subpopulation, increase by 4 levels.


Statutory Provisions: 16 U.S.C. § 3773(d); 18 U.S.C. § 545.

Application Note:

1. This section applies to violations of 18 U.S.C. § 545 where the smuggling activity involved fish, wildlife, or plants. In other cases, see §§2T3.1 and 2T3.2.

Background: This section applies to violations of the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981, 16 U.S.C. § 3373(d), and to violations of 18 U.S.C. § 545 where the smuggling activity involved fish, wildlife, or plants. These are the principal enforcement statutes utilized to combat interstate and foreign commerce in unlawfully taken fish, wildlife, and plants. The adjustments for specific offense characteristics are identical to those in §2Q2.1.".

Reason for Amendment: The purpose of this amendment is to consolidate two guidelines that cover very similar offenses.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1989.