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The Commentary to section 2T1.9 captioned "Application Notes" is amended by deleting:

"2. The minimum base offense level is 10. If a tax loss from the conspiracy can be established under either §2T1.1 or §2T1.3 (whichever applies to the underlying conduct), and that tax loss corresponds to a higher offense level in the Tax Table (§2T4.1), use that higher base offense level.

3. The specific offense characteristics are in addition to those specified in §2T1.1 and §2T1.3.

4. Because the offense is a conspiracy, adjustments from Chapter Three, Part B (Role in the Offense) usually will apply.",

and inserting in lieu thereof:

"2. The base offense level is the offense level (base offense level plus any applicable specific offense characteristics) from §2T1.1 or §2T1.3 (whichever is applicable to the underlying conduct), if that offense level is greater than 10. Otherwise, the base offense level is 10.

3. Specific offense characteristics from §2T1.9(b) are to be applied to the base offense level determined under §2T1.9(a)(1) or (2).".

Reason for Amendment: The purpose of this amendment is to clarify Application Notes 2 and 3. Application Note 4 (the content of which does not appear in any of the other guidelines covering conspiracy) is deleted as unnecessary.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1989.