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The Commentary to §3C1.1 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 4 by deleting:

", except in determining the combined offense level as specified in Chapter Three, Part D (Multiple Counts). Under §3D1.2(e), a count for obstruction will be grouped with the count for the underlying offense. Ordinarily, the offense level for that Group of Closely Related Counts will be the offense level for the underlying offense, as increased by the 2-level adjustment specified by this section. In some instances, however, the offense level for the obstruction offense may be higher, in which case that will be the offense level for the Group. See §3D1.3(a). In cases in which a significant further obstruction occurred during the investigation or prosecution of an obstruction offense itself (one of the above listed offenses), an upward departure may be warranted (e.g., where a witness to an obstruction offense is threatened during the course of the prosecution for the obstruction offense).",

and inserting in lieu thereof:

"to the offense level for that offense except where a significant further obstruction occurred during the investigation or prosecution of the obstruction offense itself (e.g., where the defendant threatened a witness during the course of the prosecution for the obstruction offense). Where the defendant is convicted both of the obstruction offense and the underlying offense, the count for the obstruction offense will be grouped with the count for the underlying offense under subsection (c) of §3D1.2 (Groups of Closely-Related Counts). The offense level for that Group of Closely-Related Counts will be the offense level for the underlying offense increased by the 2-level adjustment specified by this section, or the offense level for the obstruction offense, whichever is greater.".

Reason for Amendment: The purpose of this amendment is to resolve an inconsistency between the commentary in this section and the Commentaries in Chapter Two, Part J.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1989.