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Section 3D1.2(b) is amended by deleting, immediately following "common scheme or plan", the following:

" , including, but not limited to:

(1) A count charging conspiracy or solicitation and a count charging any substantive offense that was the sole object of the conspiracy or solicitation. 28 U.S.C. § 994(l)(2).

(2) A count charging an attempt to commit an offense and a count charging the commission of the offense. 18 U.S.C. § 3584(a).

(3) A count charging an offense based on a general prohibition and a count charging violation of a specific prohibition encompassed in the general prohibition. 28 U.S.C. § 994(v)".

Section 3D1.2(d) is amended by deleting "Counts are grouped together if" and inserting in lieu thereof "When".

Section 3D1.2(d) is amended by deleting "specifically included" and inserting in lieu thereof "to be grouped".

Section 3D1.2(d) is amended in the second paragraph by inserting in the appropriate place: "§2K2.2;".

Section 3D1.2(d) is amended in the third paragraph by inserting "Chapter Two," immediately before "Part A".

The Commentary to §3D1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended by inserting the following as Note 1:

"1. Subsections (a)-(d) set forth circumstances in which counts are to be grouped together into a single Group. Counts are to be grouped together into a single Group if any one or more of the subsections provide for such grouping. Counts for which the statute mandates imposition of a consecutive sentence are excepted from application of the multiple count rules. See §3D1.1(b).".

The Commentary to §3D1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 3 by inserting the following as the second paragraph:

"When one count charges an attempt to commit an offense and the other charges the commission of that offense, or when one count charges an offense based on a general prohibition and the other charges violation of a specific prohibition encompassed in the general prohibition, the counts will be grouped together under subsection (a).".

The Commentary to §3D1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 4 in the first sentence of the first paragraph by deleting "states the principle" and inserting in lieu thereof "provides".

The Commentary to §3D1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 4 by inserting the following sentence as the second sentence of the first paragraph:

"This provision does not authorize the grouping of offenses that cannot be considered to represent essentially one composite harm (e.g., robbery of the same victim on different occasions involves multiple, separate instances of fear and risk of harm, not one composite harm).";

and by inserting the following as the second paragraph:

"When one count charges a conspiracy or solicitation and the other charges a substantive offense that was the sole object of the conspiracy or solicitation, the counts will be grouped together under subsection (b).".

The Commentary to §3D1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 6 by deleting the third sentence of the first paragraph as follows:

"The same general type of offense" is to be construed broadly, and would include, for example, larceny, embezzlement, forgery, and fraud.";

and by inserting the following as the second paragraph:

"Counts involving offenses to which different offense guidelines apply are grouped together under subsection (d) if the offenses are of the same general type and otherwise meet the criteria for grouping under this subsection. In such cases, the offense guideline that results in the highest offense level is used; see §3D1.3(b). The ‘same general type’ of offense is to be construed broadly, and would include, for example, larceny, embezzlement, forgery, and fraud.".

Reason for Amendment: This amendment clarifies the operation of §3D1.2(b), makes editorial improvements in §3D1.2(d), makes the listing of offenses in §3D1.2(d) more comprehensive, clarifies the interaction of §§ 3D1.2(d) and 3D1.3(b), and clarifies the Commentary of §3D1.2 by making explicit that offenses such as multiple robberies do not fit within the parameters of §3D1.2(b).

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1990.