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Chapter Two, Part X is amended by deleting §2X5.1 in its entirety as follows:

"§2X5.1. Other Offenses (Policy Statement)

For offenses for which no specific guideline has been promulgated:

(a) If the offense is a felony or class A misdemeanor, the most analogous guideline should be applied. If no sufficiently analogous guideline exists, any sentence that is reasonable and consistent with the purposes of sentencing should be imposed. See 18 U.S.C. § 3553(b).

(b) If the offense is a Class B or C misdemeanor or an infraction, any sentence that is reasonable and consistent with the purpose of sentencing should be imposed. See 18 U.S.C. § 3553(b).


Background: This policy statement addresses cases in which a defendant has been convicted of an offense for which no specific guideline has been written. For a felony or a class A misdemeanor (see 18 U.S.C. §§ 3559(a) and 3581(b)), the court is directed to apply the most analogous guideline. If no sufficiently analogous guideline exists, the court is directed to sentence without reference to a specific guideline or guideline range, as provided in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(b).

For a class B or C misdemeanor or an infraction (see 18 U.S.C. §§ 3559(a) and 3581(b)) that is not covered by a specific guideline, the court is directed to sentence without reference to a specific guideline or guideline range, as provided in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(b). An inquiry as to whether there is a sufficiently analogous guideline that might be applied is not required. The Commission makes this distinction in treatment because for many lesser offenses (e.g., traffic infractions), generally handled under assimilative offense provisions by magistrates, there will be no sufficiently analogous guideline, and a case-by-case determination in respect to this issue for the high volume of cases processed each year would be unduly burdensome and would not significantly reduce disparity.".

A replacement guideline with accompanying commentary is inserted as §2X5.1 (Other Offenses).

Reason for Amendment: The purposes of this amendment are to make the section a binding guideline (as the Commission originally intended with respect to felonies and Class A misdemeanors) rather than a policy statement, to delete language relating to petty offenses, and to conform and clarify the commentary.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is June 15, 1988.