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Section 3D1.2(d) is amended by deleting:

"(d) When counts involve the same general type of offense and the guidelines for that type of offense determine the offense level primarily on the basis of the total amount of harm or loss, the quantity of a substance involved, or some other measure of aggregate harm. Offenses of this kind are found in Chapter Two, Part B (except §§2B2.1-2B3.3), Part D (except §§2D1.6-2D3.4), Part E (except §§2E1.1-2E2.1), Part F, Part G (§§2G2.2-2G3.1), Part K (§2K2.3), Part N (§§2N2.1, 2N3.1), Part Q (§§2Q2.1, 2Q2.2), Part R, Part S, and Part T. This rule also applies where the guidelines deal with offenses that are continuing, e.g., §§2L1.3 and 2Q1.3(b)(1)(A).",

and inserting in lieu thereof:

"(d) Counts are grouped together if the offense level is determined largely on the basis of the total amount of harm or loss, the quantity of a substance involved, or some other measure of aggregate harm, or if the offense behavior is ongoing or continuous in nature and the offense guideline is written to cover such behavior.

Offenses covered by the following guidelines are specifically included under this subsection:

§§2B1.1, 2B1.2, 2B1.3, 2B4.1, 2B5.1, 2B5.2, 2B5.3, 2B5.4, 2B6.1;

§§2D1.1, 2D1.2, 2D1.3, 2D1.5;

§§2E4.1, 2E5.1, 2E5.2, 2E5.4, 2E5.6;

§§2F1.1, 2F1.2;



§§2S1.1, 2S1.2, 2S1.3;

§§2T1.1, 2T1.2, 2T1.3, 2T1.4, 2T1.6, 2T1.7, 2T1.9, 2T2.1, 2T3.1, 2T3.2.

Specifically excluded from the operation of this subsection are:

all offenses in Part A;

§§2B2.1, 2B2.2, 2B2.3, 2B3.1, 2B3.2, 2B3.3;

§§2C1.1, 2C1.5;

§§2D2.1, 2D2.2, 2D2.3;

§§2E1.3, 2E1.4, 2E1.5, 2E2.1;

§§2G1.1, 2G1.2, 2G2.1, 2G3.2;

§§2H1.1, 2H1.2, 2H1.3, 2H1.4, 2H2.1, 2H4.1;

§§2L1.1, 2L2.1, 2L2.2, 2L2.3, 2L2.4, 2L2.5;

§§2M2.1, 2M2.3, 2M3.1, 2M3.2, 2M3.3, 2M3.4, 2M3.5, 2M3.6, 2M3.7, 2M3.8, 2M3.9;

§§2P1.1, 2P1.2, 2P1.3, 2P1.4.

For multiple counts of offenses that are not listed, grouping under this subsection may or may not be appropriate; a case-by-case determination must be made based upon the facts of the case and the applicable guidelines (including specific offense characteristics and other adjustments) used to determine the offense level.

Exclusion of an offense from grouping under this subsection does not necessarily preclude grouping under another subsection.".

Reason for Amendment: The purpose of this amendment is to clarify the guideline.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is June 15, 1988.