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Section 2Q2.1(b)(1) is amended by deleting "involved a commercial purpose" and inserting in lieu thereof "(A) was committed for pecuniary gain or otherwise involved a commercial purpose; or (B) involved a pattern of similar violations".

Section 2Q2.1(b)(2) is amended by deleting:

"involved fish, wildlife, or plants that were not quarantined as required by law",

and inserting in lieu thereof:

"(A) involved fish, wildlife, or plants that were not quarantined as required by law; or (B) otherwise created a significant risk of infestation or disease transmission potentially harmful to humans, fish, wildlife, or plants".

Section 2Q2.1(b)(3)(B) is amended by deleting:

"a quantity of fish, wildlife, or plants that was substantial in relation either to the overall population of the species or to a discrete subpopulation",

and inserting in lieu thereof:

"(i) marine mammals that are listed as depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (as set forth in 50 C.F.R. § 216.15); (ii) fish, wildlife, or plants that are listed as endangered or threatened by the Endangered Species Act (as set forth in 50 C.F.R. Part 17); or (iii) fish, wildlife, or plants that are listed in Appendix I to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna or Flora (as set forth in 50 C.F.R. Part 23)".

The Commentary to §2Q2.1 is amended by inserting, immediately before "Background", the following:

"Application Notes:

1. ‘For pecuniary gain’ means for receipt of, or in anticipation of receipt of, anything of value, whether monetary or in goods or services. Thus, offenses committed for pecuniary gain include both monetary and barter transactions. Similarly, activities designed to increase gross revenue are considered to be committed for pecuniary gain.

2. The acquisition of fish, wildlife, or plants for display to the public, whether for a fee or donation and whether by an individual or an organization, including a governmental entity, a private non-profit organization, or a private for-profit organization, shall be considered to involve a ‘commercial purpose.’

3. For purposes of subsection (b)(2), the quarantine requirements include those set forth in 9 C.F.R. Part 92, and 7 C.F.R. Chapter III. State quarantine laws are included as well.

4. When information is reasonably available, ‘market value’ under subsection (b)(3)(A) shall be based on the fair-market retail price. Where the fair-market retail price is difficult to ascertain, the court may make a reasonable estimate using any reliable information, such as the reasonable replacement or restitution cost or the acquisition and preservation (e.g., taxidermy) cost. Market value, however, shall not be based on measurement of aesthetic loss (so called ‘contingent valuation’ methods).

5. If the offense involved the destruction of a substantial quantity of fish, wildlife, or plants, and the seriousness of the offense is not adequately measured by the market value, an upward departure may be warranted.".

The Commentary to §2Q2.1 captioned "Background" is amended by deleting the last two sentences as follows:

"Enhancements are provided where the offense involved a commercial purpose, and where the fish, wildlife, or plants were not quarantined as required by law. An additional enhancement is provided where the market value of the species exceeded $2,000 or the offense involved a quantity of fish, wildlife, or plants that was substantial in relation either to the population of the species or to a discrete subpopulation of the species.".

Reason for Amendment: This amendment is designed to strengthen the deterrent effect of the sanctions for violations covered by this guideline. The amendment expands the specific offense characteristic in subsection (b)(1) to cover categories of offenses that appear to be equally serious to those committed for a commercial purpose. In addition, the amendment expands the specific offense characteristic in subsection (b)(2) to cover other comparable types of risk of harm. Furthermore, the amendment modifies the specific offense characteristic in subsection (b)(3) to better encompass the types of cases that the Commission intended to cover.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1992.