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Section 3D1.2(d) is amended in the second paragraph by inserting "§§2L1.1, 2L2.1, 2L2.3;" in the appropriate place by section; by inserting "§2Q2.1" in the appropriate place by section; and by deleting ", 2T3.2" immediately following "2T3.1".

Section 3D1.2(d) is amended in the third paragraph by deleting "§§2L1.1, 2L2.1, 2L2.2, 2L2.3" and inserting in lieu thereof "2L2.2".

The Commentary to §3D1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 3 by deleting example 7 as follows:

"(7) The defendant is convicted of two counts, each for unlawfully bringing one alien into the United States, but on different occasions. The counts are not to be grouped together.".

Reason for Amendment: This amendment revises §3D1.2(d) to reflect amendments to §§2L1.1, 2L2.1, and 2L2.3 (amendment 450); to clarify that offenses under §2Q2.1 are to be grouped under this subsection; and to delete the reference to §2T3.2 made obsolete by the deletion of that guideline (amendment 453).

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1992.