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Section 6A1.2 is amended by deleting:

"Position of Parties with Respect to Sentencing Factors

(a) After receipt of the presentence report and within a reasonable time before sentencing, the attorney for the government and the attorney for the defendant, or the pro se defendant, shall each file with the court a written statement of the sentencing factors to be relied upon at sentencing. The parties are not precluded from asserting additional sentencing factors if notice of the intention to rely upon another factor is filed with the court within a reasonable time before sentencing.

(b) Copies of all sentencing statements filed with the court shall be contemporaneously served upon all other parties and submitted to the probation officer assigned to the case.

(c) In lieu of the written statement required by §6A1.2(a), any party may file:

(1) a written statement adopting the findings of the presentence report;

(2) a written statement adopting such findings subject to certain exceptions or additions; or

(3) a written stipulation in which the parties agree to adopt the findings of the presentence report or to adopt such findings subject to certain exceptions or additions.

(d) A district court may, by local rule, identify categories of cases for which the parties are authorized to make oral statements at or before sentencing, in lieu of the written statement required by this section.

(e) Except to the extent that a party may be privileged not to disclose certain information, all statements filed with the court or made orally to the court pursuant to this section shall:

(1) set forth, directly or by reference to the presentence report, the relevant facts and circumstances of the actual offense conduct and offender characteristics; and

(2) not contain misleading facts.",

and inserting in lieu thereof:

"Disclosure of Presentence Report; Issues in Dispute (Policy Statement)

Courts should adopt procedures to provide for the timely disclosure of the presentence report; the narrowing and resolution, where feasible, of issues in dispute in advance of the sentencing hearing; and the identification for the court of issues remaining in dispute. See Model Local Rule for Guideline Sentencing prepared by the Probation Committee of the Judicial Conference (August 1987).".

Reason for Amendment: This amendment deletes this guideline and inserts in lieu thereof a general policy statement. The Commission has determined that this subject is more appropriately covered by the Model Local Rule for Guideline Sentencing prepared by the Probation Committee of the Judicial Conference.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is June 15, 1988.