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Section 2D1.11 is amended by striking subsection (d), captioned "Chemical Quantity Table*" and by striking the Notes that follow subsection (d), captioned "*Notes" as follows:


Listed Chemicals and Quantity  Base Offense Level

(1) List I Chemicals Level 30

17.8 KG or more of Benzaldehyde;

20 KG or more of Benzyl Cyanide;

20 KG or more of Ephedrine;

200 G or more of Ergonovine;

400 G or more of Ergotamine;

20 KG or more of Ethylamine;

44 KG or more of Hydriodic Acid;

320 KG or more of Isosafrole;

4 KG or more of Methylamine;

500 KG or more of N-Methylephedrine;

500 KG or more of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

12.6 KG or more of Nitroethane;

200 KG or more of Norpseudoephedrine;

20 KG or more of Phenylacetic Acid;

200 KG or more of Phenylpropanolamine;

10 KG or more of Piperidine;

320 KG or more of Piperonal;

1.6 KG or more of Propionic Anhydride;

20 KG or more of Pseudoephedrine;

320 KG or more of Safrole;

400 KG or more of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

(2) List I Chemicals Level 28

At least 5.3 KG but less than 17.8 KG of Benzaldehyde;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Ephedrine;

At least 60 G but less than 200 G of Ergonovine;

At least 120 G but less than 400 G of Ergotamine;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Ethylamine;

At least 13.2 KG but less than 44 KG of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 96 KG but less than 320 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 1.2 KG but less than 4 KG of Methylamine;

At least 150 KG but less than 500 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 150 KG but less than 500 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 3.8 KG but less than 12.6 KG of Nitroethane;

At least 60 KG but less than 200 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 60 KG but less than 200 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 3 KG but less than 10 KG of Piperidine;

At least 96 KG but less than 320 KG of Piperonal;

At least 480 G but less than 1.6 KG of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Pseudoephedrine;

At least 96 KG but less than 320 KG of Safrole;

At least 120 KG but less than 400 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

11 KG or more of Acetic Anhydride;

1175 KG or more of Acetone;

20 KG or more of Benzyl Chloride;

1075 KG or more of Ethyl Ether;

1200 KG or more of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

10 KG or more of Potassium Permanganate;

1300 KG or more of Toluene.

(3) List I Chemicals Level 26

At least 1.8 KG but less than 5.3 KG of Benzaldehyde;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Ephedrine;

At least 20 G but less than 60 G of Ergonovine;

At least 40 G but less than 120 G of Ergotamine;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Ethylamine;

At least 4.4 KG but less than 13.2 KG of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 32 KG but less than 96 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 400 G but less than 1.2 KG of Methylamine;

At least 50 KG but less than 150 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 50 KG but less than 150 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 1.3 KG but less than 3.8 KG of Nitroethane;

At least 20 KG but less than 60 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 20 KG but less than 60 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Piperidine;

At least 32 KG but less than 96 KG of Piperonal;

At least 160 G but less than 480 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Pseudoephedrine;

At least 32 KG but less than 96 KG of Safrole;

At least 40 KG but less than 120 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 3.3 KG but less than 11 KG of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 352.5 KG but less than 1175 KG of Acetone;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 322.5 KG but less than 1075 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 360 KG but less than 1200 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 3 KG but less than 10 KG of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 390 KG but less than 1300 KG of Toluene.

(4) List I Chemicals Level 24

At least 1.2 KG but less than 1.8 KG of Benzaldehyde;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Ephedrine;

At least 14 G but less than 20 G of Ergonovine;

At least 28 G but less than 40 G of Ergotamine;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Ethylamine;

At least 3.08 KG but less than 4.4 KG of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 22.4 KG but less than 32 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 280 G but less than 400 G of Methylamine;

At least 35 KG but less than 50 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 35 KG but less than 50 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 879 G but less than 1.3 KG of Nitroethane;

At least 14 KG but less than 20 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 14 KG but less than 20 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 700 G but less than 1 KG of Piperidine;

At least 22.4 KG but less than 32 KG of Piperonal;

At least 112 G but less than 160 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Pseudoephedrine;

At least 22.4 KG but less than 32 KG of Safrole;

At least 28 KG but less than 40 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 1.1 KG but less than 3.3 KG of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 117.5 KG but less than 352.5 KG of Acetone;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 107.5 KG but less than 322.5 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 120 KG but less than 360 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 130 KG but less than 390 KG of Toluene.

(5) List I Chemicals Level 22

At least 712 G but less than 1.2 KG of Benzaldehyde;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Ephedrine;

At least 8 G but less than 14 G of Ergonovine;

At least 16 G but less than 28 G of Ergotamine;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Ethylamine;

At least 1.76 KG but less than 3.08 KG of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 12.8 KG but less than 22.4 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 160 G but less than 280 G of Methylamine;

At least 20 KG but less than 35 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 20 KG but less than 35 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 503 G but less than 879 G of Nitroethane;

At least 8 KG but less than 14 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 8 KG but less than 14 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 400 G but less than 700 G of Piperidine;

At least 12.8 KG but less than 22.4 KG of Piperonal;

At least 64 G but less than 112 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Pseudoephedrine;

At least 12.8 KG but less than 22.4 KG of Safrole;

At least 16 KG but less than 28 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 726 G but less than 1.1 KG of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 82.25 KG but less than 117.5 KG of Acetone;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 75.25 KG but less than 107.5 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 84 KG but less than 120 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 700 G but less than 1 KG of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 91 KG but less than 130 KG of Toluene.

(6) List I Chemicals Level 20

At least 178 G but less than 712 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Ephedrine;

At least 2 G but less than 8 G of Ergonovine;

At least 4 G but less than 16 G of Ergotamine;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Ethylamine;

At least 440 G but less than 1.76 KG of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 3.2 KG but less than 12.8 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 40 G but less than 160 G of Methylamine;

At least 5 KG but less than 20 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 5 KG but less than 20 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 126 G but less than 503 G of Nitroethane;

At least 2 KG but less than 8 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 2 KG but less than 8 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 100 G but less than 400 G of Piperidine;

At least 3.2 KG but less than 12.8 KG of Piperonal;

At least 16 G but less than 64 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Pseudoephedrine;

At least 3.2 KG but less than 12.8 KG of Safrole;

At least 4 KG but less than 16 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2- propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 440 G but less than 726 G of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 47 KG but less than 82.25 KG of Acetone;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 43 KG but less than 75.25 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 48 KG but less than 84 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 400 G but less than 700 G of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 52 KG but less than 91 KG of Toluene.

(7) List I Chemicals Level 18

At least 142 G but less than 178 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Ephedrine;

At least 1.6 G but less than 2 G of Ergonovine;

At least 3.2 G but less than 4 G of Ergotamine;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Ethylamine;

At least 352 G but less than 440 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 2.56 KG but less than 3.2 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 32 G but less than 40 G of Methylamine;

At least 4 KG but less than 5 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 4 KG but less than 5 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 100 G but less than 126 G of Nitroethane;

At least 1.6 KG but less than 2 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 1.6 KG but less than 2 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 80 G but less than 100 G of Piperidine;

At least 2.56 KG but less than 3.2 KG of Piperonal;

At least 12.8 G but less than 16 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Pseudoephedrine;

At least 2.56 KG but less than 3.2 KG of Safrole;

At least 3.2 KG but less than 4 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2- propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 110 G but less than 440 G of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 11.75 KG but less than 47 KG of Acetone;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 10.75 KG but less than 43 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 12 KG but less than 48 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 100 G but less than 400 G of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 13 KG but less than 52 KG of Toluene.

(8) List I Chemicals Level 16

3.6 KG or more of Anthranilic Acid;

At least 107 G but less than 142 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Ephedrine;

At least 1.2 G but less than 1.6 G of Ergonovine;

At least 2.4 G but less than 3.2 G of Ergotamine;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Ethylamine;

At least 264 G but less than 352 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 1.92 KG but less than 2.56 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 24 G but less than 32 G of Methylamine;

4.8 KG or more of N-Acetylanthranilic Acid;

At least 3 KG but less than 4 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 3 KG but less than 4 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 75 G but less than 100 G of Nitroethane;

At least 1.2 KG but less than 1.6 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 1.2 KG but less than 1.6 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 60 G but less than 80 G of Piperidine;

At least 1.92 KG but less than 2.56 KG of Piperonal;

At least 9.6 G but less than 12.8 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Pseudoephedrine;

At least 1.92 KG but less than 2.56 KG of Safrole;

At least 2.4 KG but less than 3.2 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2- propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 88 G but less than 110 G of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 9.4 KG but less than 11.75 KG of Acetone;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 8.6 KG but less than 10.75 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 9.6 KG but less than 12 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 80 G but less than 100 G of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 10.4 KG but less than 13 KG of Toluene.

(9) List I Chemicals Level 14

At least 2.7 KG but less than 3.6 KG of Anthranilic Acid;

At least 71.2 G but less than 107 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 80 G but less than 120 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 80 G but less than 120 G of Ephedrine;

At least 800 MG but less than 1.2 G of Ergonovine;

At least 1.6 G but less than 2.4 G of Ergotamine;

At least 80 G but less than 120 G of Ethylamine;

At least 176 G but less than 264 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 1.44 KG but less than 1.92 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 16 G but less than 24 G of Methylamine;

At least 3.6 KG but less than 4.8 KG of N-Acetylanthranilic Acid;

At least 2.25 KG but less than 3 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 2.25 KG but less than 3 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 56.25 G but less than 75 G of Nitroethane;

At least 800 G but less than 1.2 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 80 G but less than 120 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 800 G but less than 1.2 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 40 G but less than 60 G of Piperidine;

At least 1.44 KG but less than 1.92 KG of Piperonal;

At least 7.2 G but less than 9.6 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 80 G but less than 120 G of Pseudoephedrine;

At least 1.44 KG but less than 1.92 KG of Safrole;

At least 1.8 KG but less than 2.4 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 66 G but less than 88 G of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 7.05 KG but less than 9.4 KG of Acetone;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 6.45 KG but less than 8.6 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 7.2 KG but less than 9.6 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 60 G but less than 80 G of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 7.8 KG but less than 10.4 KG of Toluene.

(10) List I Chemicals Level 12

Less than 2.7 KG of Anthranilic Acid;

Less than 71.2 G of Benzaldehyde;

Less than 80 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

Less than 80 G of Ephedrine;

Less than 800 MG of Ergonovine;

Less than 1.6 G of Ergotamine;

Less than 80 G of Ethylamine;

Less than 176 G of Hydriodic Acid;

Less than 1.44 KG of Isosafrole;

Less than 16 G of Methylamine;

Less than 3.6 KG of N-Acetylanthranilic Acid;

Less than 2.25 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

Less than 2.25 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

Less than 56.25 G of Nitroethane;

Less than 800 G of Norpseudoephedrine;

Less than 80 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

Less than 800 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

Less than 40 G of Piperidine;

Less than 1.44 KG of Piperonal;

Less than 7.2 G of Propionic Anhydride;

Less than 80 G of Pseudoephedrine;

Less than 1.44 KG of Safrole;

Less than 1.8 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

Less than 66 G of Acetic Anhydride;

Less than 7.05 KG of Acetone;

Less than 120 G of Benzyl Chloride;

Less than 6.45 KG of Ethyl Ether;

Less than 7.2 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

Less than 60 G of Potassium Permanganate;

Less than 7.8 KG of Toluene.



(A) The List I Chemical Equivalency Table provides a method for combining different precursor chemicals to obtain a single offense level. In a case involving two or more list I chemicals used to manufacture different controlled substances or to manufacture one controlled substance by different manufacturing processes, convert each to its ephedrine equivalency from the table below, add the quantities, and use the Chemical Quantity Table to determine the base offense level. In a case involving two or more list I chemicals used together to manufacture a controlled substance in the same manufacturing process, use the quantity of the single list I chemical that results in the greatest base offense level.

(B) If more than one list II chemical is involved, use the single list II chemical resulting in the greatest offense level.

(C) If both list I and list II chemicals are involved, use the offense level determined under (A) or (B) above, whichever is greater.

(D) In a case involving ephedrine tablets, use the weight of the ephedrine contained in the tablets, not the weight of the entire tablets, in calculating the base offense level.


1 gm of Anthranilic Acid* = 0.033 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Benzaldehyde** = 1.124 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Benzyl Cyanide = 1 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Ergonovine = 100 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Ergotamine = 50 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Ethylamine** = 1 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Hydriodic Acid** = 0.4545 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Isosafrole = 0.0625 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Methylamine = 5 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of N-Acetylanthranilic Acid* = 0.025 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of N-Methylephedrine** = 0.04 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of N-Methylpseudoephedrine** = 0.04 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Nitroethane** = 1.592 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Norpseudoephedrine** = 0.1 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Phenylacetic Acid = 1 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Phenylpropanolamine** = 0.1 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Piperidine = 2 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Piperonal = 0.0625 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Propionic Anhydride = 12.5 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Pseudoephedrine** = 1 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of Safrole = 0.0625 gm of Ephedrine

1 gm of 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-

2-propanone** = 0.05 gm of Ephedrine

* The ephedrine equivalency for anthranilic acid or N-acetylanthranilic acid, or both, shall not exceed 159.99 grams of ephedrine.

**In cases involving (A) hydriodic acid and one of the following: ephedrine, N-methylephedrine, N-methylpseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, or pseudoephedrine; or (B) ethylamine and 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone; or (C) benzaldehyde and nitroethane, calculate the offense level for each separately and use the quantity that results in the greater offense level.".

and inserting the following:



(Methamphetamine and Amphetamine Precursor Chemicals)

Quantity Base  Offense Level

(1) 3 KG or more of Ephedrine; Level 38

3 KG or more of Phenylpropanolamine;

3 KG or More of Pseudoephedrine.

(2) At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Ephedrine; Level 36

At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Pseudoephedrine.

(3) At least 300 G but less than 1 KG of Ephedrine; Level 34

At least 300 G but less than 1 KG of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 300 G but less than 1 KG of Pseudoephedrine.

(4) At least 100 G but less than 300 G of Ephedrine; Level 32

At least 100 G but less than 300 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 100 G but less than 300 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(5) At least 70 G but less than 100 G of Ephedrine; Level 30

At least 70 G but less than 100 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 70 G but less than 100 G of Pseuodoephedrine.

(6) At least 40 G but less than 70 G of Ephedrine; Level 28

At least 40 G but less than 70 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 40 G but less than 70 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(7) At least 10 G but less than 40 G of Ephedrine; Level 26

At least 10 G but less than 40 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 10 G but less than 40 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(8) At least 8 G but less than 10 G of Ephedrine; Level 24

At least 8 G but less than 10 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 8 G but less than 10 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(9) At least 6 G but less than 8 G of Ephedrine; Level 22

At least 6 G but less than 8 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 6 G but less than 8 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(10) At least 4 G but less than 6 G of Ephedrine; Level 20

At least 4 G but less than 6 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 4 G but less than 6 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(11) At least 2 G but less than 4 G of Ephedrine; Level 18

At least 2 G but less than 4 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 2 G but less than 4 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(12) At least 1 G but less than 2 G of Ephedrine; Level 16

At least 1 G but less than 2 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 1 G but less than 2 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(13) At least 500 MG but less than 1 G of Ephedrine; Level 14

At least 500 MG but less than 1 G of Phenylpropanolamine;

At least 500 MG but less than 1 G of Pseudoephedrine.

(14) Less than 500 MG of Ephedrine; Level 12

Less than 500 MG of Phenylpropanolamine;

Less than 500 MG of Pseudoephedrine.


(All Other Precursor Chemicals)

Listed Chemicals and Quantity Base Offense Level

(1) List I Chemicals Level 30

890 G or more of Benzaldehyde;

20 KG or more of Benzyl Cyanide;

200 G or more of Ergonovine;

400 G or more of Ergotamine;

20 KG or more of Ethylamine;

2.2 KG or more of Hydriodic Acid;

320 KG or more of Isosafrole;

200 G or more of Methylamine;

500 KG or more of N-Methylephedrine;

500 KG or more of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

625 G or more of Nitroethane;

10 KG or more of Norpseudoephedrine;

20 KG or more of Phenylacetic Acid;

10 KG or more of Piperidine;

320 KG or more of Piperonal;

1.6 KG or more of Propionic Anhydride;

320 KG or more of Safrole;

400 KG or more of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone.

(2) List I Chemicals Level 28

At least 267 G but less than 890 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 60 G but less than 200 G of Ergonovine;

At least 120 G but less than 400 G of Ergotamine;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Ethylamine;

At least 660 G but less than 2.2 KG of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 96 KG but less than 320 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 60 G but less than 200 G of Methylamine;

At least 150 KG but less than 500 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 150 KG but less than 500 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 187.5 G but less than 625 G of Nitroethane;

At least 3 KG but less than 10 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 3 KG but less than 10 KG of Piperidine;

At least 96 KG but less than 320 KG of Piperonal;

At least 480 G but less than 1.6 KG of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 96 KG but less than 320 KG of Safrole;

At least 120 KG but less than 400 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

11 KG or more of Acetic Anhydride;

1175 KG or more of Acetone;

20 KG or more of Benzyl Chloride;

1075 KG or more of Ethyl Ether;

1200 KG or more of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

10 KG or more of Potassium Permanganate;

1300 KG or more of Toluene.

(3) List I Chemicals Level 26

At least 89 G but less than 267 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 20 G but less than 60 G of Ergonovine;

At least 40 G but less than 120 G of Ergotamine;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Ethylamine;

At least 220 G but less than 660 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 32 KG but less than 96 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 20 G but less than 60 G of Methylamine;

At least 50 KG but less than 150 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 50 KG but less than 150 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 62.5 G but less than 187.5 G of Nitroethane;

At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Piperidine;

At least 32 KG but less than 96 KG of Piperonal;

At least 160 G but less than 480 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 32 KG but less than 96 KG of Safrole;

At least 40 KG but less than 120 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 3.3 KG but less than 11 KG of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 352.5 KG but less than 1175 KG of Acetone;

At least 6 KG but less than 20 KG of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 322.5 KG but less than 1075 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 360 KG but less than 1200 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 3 KG but less than 10 KG of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 390 KG but less than 1300 KG of Toluene.

(4) List I Chemicals Level 24

At least 62.3 G but less than 89 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 14 G but less than 20 G of Ergonovine;

At least 28 G but less than 40 G of Ergotamine;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Ethylamine;

At least 154 G but less than 220 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 22.4 KG but less than 32 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 14 G but less than 20 G of Methylamine;

At least 35 KG but less than 50 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 35 KG but less than 50 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 43.8 G but less than 62.5 G of Nitroethane;

At least 700 G but less than 1 KG of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 700 G but less than 1 KG of Piperidine;

At least 22.4 KG but less than 32 KG of Piperonal;

At least 112 G but less than 160 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 22.4 KG but less than 32 KG of Safrole;

At least 28 KG but less than 40 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 1.1 KG but less than 3.3 KG of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 117.5 KG but less than 352.5 KG of Acetone;

At least 2 KG but less than 6 KG of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 107.5 KG but less than 322.5 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 120 KG but less than 360 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 130 KG but less than 390 KG of Toluene.

(5) List I Chemicals Level 22

At least 35.6 G but less than 62.3 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 8 G but less than 14 G of Ergonovine;

At least 16 G but less than 28 G of Ergotamine;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Ethylamine;

At least 88 G but less than 154 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 12.8 KG but less than 22.4 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 8 G but less than 14 G of Methylamine;

At least 20 KG but less than 35 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 20 KG but less than 35 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 25 G but less than 43.8 G of Nitroethane;

At least 400 G but less than 700 G of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 400 G but less than 700 G of Piperidine;

At least 12.8 KG but less than 22.4 KG of Piperonal;

At least 64 G but less than 112 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 12.8 KG but less than 22.4 KG of Safrole;

At least 16 KG but less than 28 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 726 G but less than 1.1 KG of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 82.25 KG but less than 117.5 KG of Acetone;

At least 1.4 KG but less than 2 KG of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 75.25 KG but less than 107.5 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 84 KG but less than 120 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 700 G but less than 1 KG of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 91 KG but less than 130 KG of Toluene.

(6) List I Chemicals Level 20

At least 8.9 G but less than 35.6 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 2 G but less than 8 G of Ergonovine;

At least 4 G but less than 16 G of Ergotamine;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Ethylamine;

At least 22 G but less than 88 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 3.2 KG but less than 12.8 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 2 G but less than 8 G of Methylamine;

At least 5 KG but less than 20 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 5 KG but less than 20 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 6.3 G but less than 25 G of Nitroethane;

At least 100 G but less than 400 of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 100 G but less than 400 G of Piperidine;

At least 3.2 KG but less than 12.8 KG of Piperonal;

At least 16 G but less than 64 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 3.2 KG but less than 12.8 KG of Safrole;

At least 4 KG but less than 16 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2- propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 440 G but less than 726 G of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 47 KG but less than 82.25 KG of Acetone;

At least 800 G but less than 1.4 KG of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 43 KG but less than 75.25 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 48 KG but less than 84 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 400 G but less than 700 G of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 52 KG but less than 91 KG of Toluene.

(7) List I Chemicals Level 18

At least 7.1 G but less than 8.9 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 1.6 G but less than 2 G of Ergonovine;

At least 3.2 G but less than 4 G of Ergotamine;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Ethylamine;

At least 17.6 G but less than 22 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 2.56 KG but less than 3.2 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 1.6 G but less than 2 G of Methylamine;

At least 4 KG but less than 5 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 4 KG but less than 5 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 5 G but less than 6.3 G of Nitroethane;

At least 80 G but less than 100 G of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 80 G but less than 100 G of Piperidine;

At least 2.56 KG but less than 3.2 KG of Piperonal;

At least 12.8 G but less than 16 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 2.56 KG but less than 3.2 KG of Safrole;

At least 3.2 KG but less than 4 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2- propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 110 G but less than 440 G of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 11.75 KG but less than 47 KG of Acetone;

At least 200 G but less than 800 G of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 10.75 KG but less than 43 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 12 KG but less than 48 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 100 G but less than 400 G of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 13 KG but less than 52 KG of Toluene.

(8) List I Chemicals Level 16

3.6 KG or more of Anthranilic Acid;

At least 5.3 G but less than 7.1 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 1.2 G but less than 1.6 G of Ergonovine;

At least 2.4 G but less than 3.2 G of Ergotamine;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Ethylamine;

At least 13.2 G but less than 17.6 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 1.92 KG but less than 2.56 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 1.2 G but less than 1.6 G of Methylamine;

4.8 KG or more of N-Acetylanthranilic Acid;

At least 3 KG but less than 4 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 3 KG but less than 4 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 3.8 G but less than 5 G of Nitroethane;

At least 60 G but less than 80 G of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 60 G but less than 80 G of Piperidine;

At least 1.92 KG but less than 2.56 KG of Piperonal;

At least 9.6 G but less than 12.8 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 1.92 KG but less than 2.56 KG of Safrole;

At least 2.4 KG but less than 3.2 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2- propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 88 G but less than 110 G of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 9.4 KG but less than 11.75 KG of Acetone;

At least 160 G but less than 200 G of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 8.6 KG but less than 10.75 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 9.6 KG but less than 12 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 80 G but less than 100 G of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 10.4 KG but less than 13 KG of Toluene.

(9) List I Chemicals Level 14

At least 2.7 KG but less than 3.6 KG of Anthranilic Acid;

At least 3.6 G but less than 5.3 G of Benzaldehyde;

At least 80 G but less than 120 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

At least 800 MG but less than 1.2 G of Ergonovine;

At least 1.6 G but less than 2.4 G of Ergotamine;

At least 80 G but less than 120 G of Ethylamine;

At least 8.8 G but less than 13.2 G of Hydriodic Acid;

At least 1.44 KG but less than 1.92 KG of Isosafrole;

At least 800 MG but less than 1.2 G of Methylamine;

At least 3.6 KG but less than 4.8 KG of N-Acetylanthranilic Acid;

At least 2.25 KG but less than 3 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

At least 2.25 KG but less than 3 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

At least 2.5 G but less than 3.8 G of Nitroethane;

At least 40 G but less than 60 G of Norpseudoephedrine;

At least 80 G but less than 120 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

At least 40 G but less than 60 G of Piperidine;

At least 1.44 KG but less than 1.92 KG of Piperonal;

At least 7.2 G but less than 9.6 G of Propionic Anhydride;

At least 1.44 KG but less than 1.92 KG of Safrole;

At least 1.8 KG but less than 2.4 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

At least 66 G but less than 88 G of Acetic Anhydride;

At least 7.05 KG but less than 9.4 KG of Acetone;

At least 120 G but less than 160 G of Benzyl Chloride;

At least 6.45 KG but less than 8.6 KG of Ethyl Ether;

At least 7.2 KG but less than 9.6 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

At least 60 G but less than 80 G of Potassium Permanganate;

At least 7.8 KG but less than 10.4 KG of Toluene.

(10) List I Chemicals Level 12

Less than 2.7 KG of Anthranilic Acid;

Less than 3.6 G of Benzaldehyde;

Less than 80 G of Benzyl Cyanide;

Less than 800 MG of Ergonovine;

Less than 1.6 G of Ergotamine;

Less than 80 G of Ethylamine;

Less than 8.8 G of Hydriodic Acid;

Less than 1.44 KG of Isosafrole;

Less than 800 MG of Methylamine;

Less than 3.6 KG of N-Acetylanthranilic Acid;

Less than 2.25 KG of N-Methylephedrine;

Less than 2.25 KG of N-Methylpseudoephedrine;

Less than 2.5 G of Nitroethane;

Less than 40 G of Norpseudoephedrine;

Less than 80 G of Phenylacetic Acid;

Less than 40 G of Piperidine;

Less than 1.44 KG of Piperonal;

Less than 7.2 G of Propionic Anhydride;

Less than 1.44 KG of Safrole;

Less than 1.8 KG of 3, 4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone;

List II Chemicals

Less than 66 G of Acetic Anhydride;

Less than 7.05 KG of Acetone;

Less than 120 G of Benzyl Chloride;

Less than 6.45 KG of Ethyl Ether;

Less than 7.2 KG of Methyl Ethyl Ketone;

Less than 60 G of Potassium Permanganate;

Less than 7.8 KG of Toluene.



(A) Except as provided in Note (B), to calculate the base offense level in an offense that involves two or more chemicals, use the quantity of the single chemical that results in the greatest offense level, regardless of whether the chemicals are set forth in different tables or in different categories (i.e., list I or list II) under subsection (d) of this guideline.

(B) To calculate the base offense level in an offense that involves two or more chemicals each of which is set forth in the Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine Quantity Table, (i) aggregate the quantities of all such chemicals, and (ii) determine the base offense level corresponding to the aggregate quantity.

(C) In a case involving ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine tablets, use the weight of the ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine contained in the tablets, not the weight of the entire tablets, in calculating the base offense level.".

The Commentary to §2D1.11 captioned "Application Notes" is amended by striking Note 4 in its entirety as follows:

"4. When two or more list I chemicals are used together in the same manufacturing process, calculate the offense level for each separately and use the quantity that results in the greatest base offense level. In any other case, the quantities should be added together (using the List I Chemical Equivalency Table) for the purpose of calculating the base offense level.


(a) The defendant was in possession of five kilograms of ephedrine and 300 grams of hydriodic acid. Ephedrine and hydriodic acid typically are used together in the same manufacturing process to manufacture methamphetamine. Therefore, the base offense level for each listed chemical is calculated separately and the list I chemical with the higher base offense level is used. Five kilograms of ephedrine result in a base offense level of 26; 300 grams of hydriodic acid result in a base offense level of 16. In this case, the base offense level would be 26.

(b) The defendant was in possession of five kilograms of ephedrine and two kilograms of phenylacetic acid. Although both of these chemicals are used to manufacture methamphetamine, they are not used together in the same manufacturing process. Therefore, the quantity of phenylacetic acid should be converted to an ephedrine equivalency using the List I Chemical Equivalency Table and then added to the quantity of ephedrine. In this case, the two kilograms of phenylacetic acid convert to two kilograms of ephedrine (see List I Chemical Equivalency Table), resulting in a total equivalency of seven kilograms of ephedrine.",

and inserting the following:

"4. Cases Involving Multiple Chemicals.—

(A) Determining the Base Offense Level for Two or More Chemicals.—Except as provided in subdivision (B), if the offense involves two or more chemicals, use the quantity of the single chemical that results in the greatest offense level, regardless of whether the chemicals are set forth in different tables or in different categories (i.e., list I or list II) under subsections (d) and (e) of this guideline.

Example: The defendant was in possession of five kilograms of ephedrine and 300 grams of hydriodic acid. Ephedrine and hydriodic acid typically are used together in the same manufacturing process to manufacture methamphetamine. The base offense level for each chemical is calculated separately and the chemical with the higher base offense level is used. Five kilograms of ephedrine result in a base offense level of level 38; 300 grams of hydriodic acid result in a base offense level of level 26. In this case, the base offense level would be level 38.

(B) Determining the Base Offense Level for Offenses involving Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, or Phenylpropanolamine.—If the offense involves two or more chemicals each of which is set forth in the Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine Quantity Table, (i) aggregate the quantities of all such

chemicals, and (ii) determine the base offense level corresponding to the aggregate quantity.

Example: The defendant was in possession of 80 grams of ephedrine and 50 grams of phenylpropanolamine, an aggregate quantity of 130 grams of such chemicals. The base offense level corresponding to that aggregate quantity is level 32.

(C) Upward Departure.—In a case involving two or more chemicals used to manufacture different controlled substances, or to manufacture one controlled substance by different manufacturing processes, an upward departure may be warranted if the offense level does not adequately address the seriousness of the offense.".

The Commentary to §2D1.11 captioned "Application Notes" is amended by striking Notes 5 and 6 in their entirety as follows:

"5. Where there are multiple list II chemicals, all quantities of the same list II chemical are added together for purposes of determining the base offense level. However, quantities of different list II chemicals are not aggregated (see Note B to the Chemical Quantity Table). Thus, where multiple list II chemicals are involved in the offense, the base offense level is determined by using the base offense level for the single list II chemical resulting in the greatest base offense level. For example, in the case of an offense involving seven kilograms of methyl ethyl ketone and eight kilograms of acetone, the base offense level for the methyl ethyl ketone is 12 and the base offense level for the acetone is 14; therefore, the base offense level is 14.

6. Where both list I chemicals and list II chemicals are involved, use the greater of the base offense level for the list I chemicals or the list II chemicals (see Note C to the Chemical Quantity Table).";

and by redesignating Notes 7 and 8 as Notes 5 and 6, respectively.

The Commentary to §2D1.11 captioned "Background" is amended in the first sentence by inserting "(including ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine)" after "list I chemicals".

The Commentary to 2D1.1 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 10 in the "Drug Equivalency Tables" by inserting after the subdivision captioned "Schedule V Substances******" the following new subdivision:

"List I Chemicals (relating to the manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine)*******

1 gm of Ephedrine = 10 kg of marihuana

1 gm of Phenylpropanolamine = 10 kg of marihuana

1 gm of Pseudoephedrine = 10 kg of marihuana

*******Provided, that in a case involving ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine tablets, use the weight of the ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine contained in the tablets, not the weight of the entire tablets, in calculating the base offense level.".

Reason for Amendment: This amendment is in response to the three-part directive in section 3651 of the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act of 2000, Pub. L. 106–310 (the "Act"), regarding enhanced punishment for trafficking in List I chemicals. That section requires the Commission to promulgate an amendment implementing the directive under emergency amendment authority.

First, this amendment provides a new chemical quantity table specifically for ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine (PPA). The table ties the base offense levels for these chemicals to the base offense levels for methamphetamine (actual) set forth in §2D1.1, assuming a 50 percent actual yield of the controlled substance from the chemicals. (Methamphetamine (actual) is used rather than methamphetamine mixture because ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and PPA produce methamphetamine (actual)). This yield is based on information provided by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that the typical yield of these substances for clandestine laboratories is 50 to 75 percent.

This new chemical quantity table has a maximum base offense level of level 38 (as opposed to a maximum base offense level of level 30 for all other precursor chemicals). Providing a maximum base offense level of level 38 complies with the directive to establish penalties for these precursors that "correspond to the quantity of controlled substance that could have reasonably been manufactured using the quantity of ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, or pseudoephedrine possessed or distributed." Additionally, this adjustment will have an impact on the relationship between §§2D1.1 and 2D1.11 by eliminating the six-level distinction that currently exists between offenses that involve intent to manufacture methamphetamine and offenses that involve an attempt to manufacture methamphetamine, at least for offenses involving ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and PPA.

This amendment eliminates the Ephedrine Equivalency Table in §2D1.11 and, in its place, provides an instruction for the court to determine the base offense level in cases involving multiple precursors (other than ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or PPA) by using the quantity of the single chemical resulting in the greatest offense level. An upward departure is provided for cases in which the offense level does not adequately address the seriousness of the offense.

However, this amendment provides an exception to the rule for offenses that involve a combination of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or PPA because these chemicals often are used in the same manufacturing process. In a case that involves two or more of these chemicals, the base offense level will be determined using the total quantity of these chemicals involved. The purpose of this exception is twofold: (1) any of the three primary precursors in the same table can be combined without difficulty; and (2) studies conducted by the DEA indicate that because the manufacturing process for amphetamine and methamphetamine is identical, there are cases in which the different precursors are included in the same batch of drugs. If the chemical is PPA, amphetamine results; and if the chemical is ephedrine, methamphetamine results.

Second, the amendment adds to the Drug Equivalency Tables in §2D1.1 a conversion table for these precursor chemicals, providing for a 50 percent conversion ratio. This is based on data from the DEA that the actual yield from ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or PPA typically is in the range of 50 to 75 percent. The purpose of this part of the amendment is to achieve the same punishment level (as is achieved by the first part of this amendment) for an offense involving any of these precursor chemicals when such offense involved the manufacture of methamphetamine and, as a result, is sentenced under §2D1.1 pursuant to the cross reference in §2D1.11.

Third, this amendment increases the base offense level for Benzaldehyde, Hydriodic Acid, Methylamine, Nitroethane, and Norpseudoephedrine by re-calibrating these levels to the appropriate quantity of methamphetamine (actual) that could be produced assuming a 50 percent yield of chemical to drug and retaining a cap at level 30. Previously, these chemicals had been linked to methamphetamine (mixture) penalty levels. Based on a study conducted by the DEA, ephedrine and pseudoepehdrine are the primary precursors used to make methamphetamine in the United States. Phenylproponolamine is the primary precursor used to make amphetamine. Unlike the five additional List I chemicals, the chemical structures of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and PPA are so similar to the resulting drug (i.e., methamphetamine or amphetamine) that the manufacture of methamphetamine or amphetamine from ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or PPA is a very simple one-step synthesis which anyone can perform using a variety of chemical reagents. The manufacture of methamphetamine or amphetamine from the five additional List I chemicals is a more complex process which requires a heightened level of expertise.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is May 1, 2001.