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The heading of Part C of Chapter Two, amendments to the Introductory Commentary of Part C of Chapter Two, §§2C1.8, 3D1.2 and 5E1.2, effective January 25, 2003 (see USSC Guidelines Manual Appendix C (Volume II), Amendment 648), are repromulgated without change. Appendix A, effective January 25, 2003 (see USSC Guidelines Manual Appendix C (Volume II), Amendments 647 and 648; see also this document, Amendment 653), is repromulgated without change.

Reason for Amendment: The Commission promulgated an emergency amendment addressing the directive from Congress contained in the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, Pub. L. 107–155, (the "BCRA"), with an effective date of January 25, 2003. (See Amendment 648.) This amendment repromulgates without change the emergency amendment as a permanent amendment.

This amendment implements the directive from Congress contained in the BCRA to the effect that the Commission "promulgate a guideline, or amend an existing guideline ... , for penalties for violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 [the "FECA"] and related election laws ... ." The BCRA significantly increased statutory penalties for campaign finance crimes, formerly misdemeanors under the FECA. The new statutory maximum term of imprisonment for even the least serious of these offenses is now two years, and for more serious offenses, the maximum term of imprisonment is five years.

To punish these offenses effectively, the Commission chose to create a new guideline at §2C1.8 (Making, Receiving, or Failing to Report a Contribution, Donation, or Expenditure in Violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act; Fraudulently Misrepresenting Campaign Authority; Soliciting or Receiving a Donation in Connection with an Election While on Certain Federal Property). The Commission opted against simply amending an existing guideline because it determined after review that the characteristics of election violation cases did not bear sufficient similarity to cases sentenced under any existing guideline. The offenses that will be sentenced under §2C1.8 include: violations of the statutory prohibitions against "soft money" (2 U.S.C. § 441i); restrictions on "hard money" contributions (2 U.S.C. § 441a); contributions by foreign nationals (2 U.S.C. § 441e); restrictions on "electioneering communications" (as defined in 2 U.S.C. § 434(f)(3)_C_); certain fraudulent misrepresentations (2 U.S.C. § 441h); and "conduit contributions" (2 U.S.C. § 441f).

The new guideline has a base offense level of level 8, which reflects the fact that these offenses, while they are somewhat similar to fraud offenses (sentenced under §2B1.1 (Larceny, Embezzlement, and Other Forms of Theft; Offenses Involving Stolen Property; Property Damage or Destruction; Fraud and Deceit; Forgery; Offenses Involving Altered or Counterfeit Instruments Other than Counterfeit Bearer Obligations of the United States) at a base offense level of level 6), nevertheless are more serious due to the additional harm, or the potential harm, of corrupting the elective process.

The new guideline provides five specific offense characteristics to ensure appropriate penalty enhancements for aggravating conduct that may occur during the commission of certain campaign finance offenses. First, the new guideline provides a specific offense characteristic, at §2C1.8(b)(1), that uses the fraud loss table in §2B1.1 incrementally to increase the offense level in proportion to the monetary amounts involved in the illegal transactions. This both assures proportionality with penalties for fraud offenses and responds to Congress’ directive to provide an enhancement for "a large aggregate amount of illegal contributions."

Second, the new guideline provides alternative enhancements, at §2C1.8(b)(2), if the offense involved a foreign national (two levels) or a foreign government (four levels). These enhancements respond to another specific directive in the BCRA and reflect the seriousness of attempts by foreign entities to tamper with the United States’ election processes.

Third, the new guideline provides alternative enhancements of two levels each, at §2C1.8(b)(3), when the offense involves either "governmental funds," defined broadly to include federal, state, or local funds, or an intent to derive "a specific, identifiable non-monetary Federal benefit" (e.g., a presidential pardon). Each of these enhancements responds to specific directives of the BCRA.

Fourth, the new guideline provides a two level enhancement, at subsection (b)(4), when the offender engages in "30 or more illegal transactions." After a review of all campaign finance cases in the Commission’s datafile, the Commission chose 30 transactions as the number best illustrative of a "large number" in that context. This enhancement also responds to a specific directive in the BCRA to the effect that the Commission provide enhanced sentencing for cases involving "a large number of illegal transactions."

Fifth, the new guideline provides a four level enhancement, at §2C1.8(b)(5), if the offense involves the use of "intimidation, threat of pecuniary or other harm, or coercion." This enhancement responds to information, received from the Federal Election Commission and the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice, which characterizes offenses of this type as some of the most aggravated offenses committed under the FECA.

The new guideline also provides a cross reference, at subsection (c), which directs the sentencing court to apply either §2C1.1 (Offering, Giving, Soliciting, or Receiving a Bribe; Extortion Under Color of Official Right) or §2C1.2 (Offering, Giving, Soliciting, or Receiving a Gratuity), as appropriate, if the offense involved a bribe or a gratuity and the resulting offense level would be greater than that determined under §2C1.8.

Section 3D1.2 (Groups of Closely Related Counts) has been amended, consistent with the principles underlying the rules for grouping multiple counts of conviction, to include §2C1.8 offenses among those in which the offense level is determined largely on the basis of the total amount of harm or loss or some other measure of aggregate harm. (See §3D1.2(d)).

Finally, §5E1.2 (Fines for Individual Defendants) has been amended specifically to reflect fine provisions unique to the FECA. This part of the amendment also provides that the defendant’s participation in a conciliation agreement with the Federal Election Commission may be an appropriate factor for use in determining the specific fine within the applicable fine guideline range unless the defendant began negotiations with the Federal Election Commission only after the defendant became aware that the defendant was the subject of a criminal investigation.

Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 2003.